Les tests garantissent que l application fonctionne et qu elle continue de fonctionner lorsque des modifications seront apportées à l avenir.
Insert the following code immediately following the requires block in the file myproject/setup.py.:
requires = [
"pyramid ,
tests_require = [
"WebTest >= 1.3.1", # py3 compat
Remember to change the dependency.:
"testing": tests_require,
As always, whenever you change your dependencies, make sure to run the correct pip install -e command.:
$VENV/bin/pip install -e \".[testing]\"
Commencez par supprimer tests.py, puis créez un nouveau répertoire pour contenir nos nouveaux tests ainsi qu un nouveau fichier vide tests / \\ init\\.py.
Nous allons créer un nouveau fichier tests/test\_views.py, en ajoutant une classe BaseTest utilisée comme base pour les autres classes de test. Ensuite, nous ajouterons des tests pour chaque fonction d affichage que nous avons précédemment ajoutée à notre application.
Nous allons ajouter deux classes de test: UsersListTests, UserEditTests. Ils testent les vues users\_list et user\_edit.
Créez un tutoriel /tests/test\_views.py tel qu il apparaisse comme suit: ::
import unittest import transaction
from pyramid import testing
def dummy_request(dbsession): return testing.DummyRequest(dbsession=dbsession)
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): from ..models import get_tm_session self.config = testing.setUp(settings={ sqlalchemy.url": "mysql://root:phuoc@localhost/bd_mesavoirs?charset=utf8" }) self.config.include("..models") self.config.include("..routes")
session_factory = self.config.registry["dbsession_factory"]
self.session = get_tm_session(session_factory, transaction.manager)
def init_database(self):
from ..models.meta import Base
session_factory = self.config.registry["dbsession_factory"]
engine = session_factory.kw["bind ]
def tearDown(self):
def makeUser(self, name, role, password="dummy"):
from ..models import User
user = User(name=name, role=role)
return user
def makePage(self, name, data, creator):
from ..models import Page
return Page(name=name, data=data, creator=creator)
class UsersListTests(BaseTest): def _callFUT(self, request): from tutorial.views.default import view_page return view_page(request)
def test_it(self):
from ..routes import PageResource
# add a page to the db
user = self.makeUser("foo", editor")
page = self.makePage( iDoExist", "Hello CruelWorld IDoExist", user)
self.session.add_all([page, user])
# create a request asking for the page we ve created
request = dummy_request(self.session)
request.context = PageResource(page)
# call the view we re testing and check its behavior
info = self._callFUT(request)
self.assertEqual(info["page"], page)
"<div class=\"document\">\
" "
Hello " "CruelWorld " "" iDoExist" "
\class UserEditTests(BaseTest): def _callFUT(self, request): from tutorial.views.default import edit_page return edit_page(request)
def makeContext(self, page):
from ..routes import PageResource
return PageResource(page)
def test_it_notsubmitted(self):
user = self.makeUser("foo", editor")
page = self.makePage( abc", "hello", user)
self.session.add_all([page, user])
request = dummy_request(self.session)
request.context = self.makeContext(page)
info = self._callFUT(request)
self.assertEqual(info["pagename"], abc")
self.assertEqual(info[ save_url"],
def test_it_submitted(self):
user = self.makeUser("foo", editor")
page = self.makePage( abc", "hello", user)
self.session.add_all([page, user])
request = testing.DummyRequest({"form.submitted : True,
"body": "Hello yo!"},
request.context = self.makeContext(page)
response = self._callFUT(request)
self.assertEqual(response.location, "http://example.com/abc")
self.assertEqual(page.data, "Hello yo!")
When this test is run, each test method creates a \"real\" WSGI application using the main function in your myproject.init module, using WebTest to wrap that WSGI application. It assigns the result to self.testapp. In the test named test_root, the TestApp s GET method is used to invoke the root URL. Finally, an assertion is made that the returned HTML contains the text Pyramid.
See the WebTest documentation for further information about the methods available to a webtest.app.TestApp instance.
Publié le : 06-02-2018 - 18:00